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EU*US eHealth Work Consortium

Meet our Consortium Members below...


Omni Micro Systems - Omni Med Solutions GmbH

Omni Micro Systems - Omni Med Solutions GmbH (OMS-GmbH) are the Coordinators for this Project. OMS-GmbH is a small to medium business enterprise with deep subject matter expertise in clinical healthcare, information technology and eHealth development and integrations. We work daily to improve the quality of health and to contribute to the growth of eHealth and health informatics as a global discipline. We provide full-scale consulting services, as well as business development, program management and project management services throughout Germany, Europe, and worldwide. Omni Micro Systems/Omni Med Solutions, Inc., is our North America consulting and development branch. Our specialties include new technology developments, especially for seniors and the disabled, as well as Horizon 2020 and other project coordination, health IT implementations, program and project management, clinical workflow improvement, healthcare business consulting, staffing and workforce development, system interoperability, training development and delivery, electronification of health records, provider adoption of eHealth, ICD consulting, and speaking/presentation development on eHealth policies/issues.



European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL)

EHTEL is the leading forum for decision makers and doers in Europe, engaged in supporting the transformation of the health care practice in Europe through eHealth. The association brings together under one roof a wide range of constituencies crucial for the betterment of health and social care with health IT. They include: National and regional health authorities and systems, Hospitals and other health institutions, Public and private insurance providers, Health professionals, Health managers and executives, Patients, Citizens and consumers, Industry, and Researchers and academics. EHTEL provides a platform for information, representation, networking and co-operation to its 60+ corporate members. With EHTELconnect, the association draw on the expertise of EHTEL’s highly experienced and multi-stakeholder membership to offer expert advice and educational services tailored to the needs of individuals and organisations working in the field of digital healthcare.




Stiftung Fachhochschule Osnabrück

The University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück (Stiftung Fachhochschule Osnabrück) is a practice-oriented university with a strong focus on applied research and is one of the leading universities of applied sciences in Germany. There are more than 13,000 students in four faculties, where more than 100 Bachelor and Master courses are offered. In 2015, the University of Osnabrück and the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück founded the Health Campus Osnabrück, a platform for common research and development activities in cooperation with regional healthcare providers and local authorities. The Health Informatics Research Group is an institute within the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences with more than 10 researchers. It was established in 1997 and focuses on the combination of medical and health informatics and statistics. Current research projects embrace activities in the fields of health IT for reliable organisations and cognitive support of healthcare professionals, measuring innovation of health IT, fostering health IT education and establishing a data driven analytics approach for health service research.




Technology University of Tampere

TTY-SAATIO (English Translation: Tampere University of Technology) (TUT) is known for high-standard technology research which is closely linked to the needs of industry and business life. Established in 1965, TUT has a staff of close to 1,800 experts of different fields and a total 9,200 undergraduate and postgraduate students. The Department of Signal Processing (SGN) is one of the largest departments in TUT. SGN has been active in the research of processing signals and images relating to medical studies for decades and university has offered also education in these areas. The research and education of health informatics intensified a few years ago after a noted professor joined the department, and the study module Health Informatics was established with consultations with the Finnish health IT industry. This module is currently the only one in Finland specially targeted for engineering students in Finland. The idea is that the engineering students who take this module have a strong background either in software engineering or information management and the module prepares them for positions in industry to develop health information systems or to the health care sector to take responsibility of health information systems in hospitals.



Steinbeis 2i GmbH



The Steinbeis group was founded in 1971 and has since grown into a worldwide acting network of research and innovation management. Today, more than 1.000 Steinbeis Enterprises make up Steinbeis and work in legally dependent Steinbeis companies. Within Steinbeis, the Steinbeis 2i GmbH belongs to the Steinbeis-Innovation gGmbH. Founded in 1990 as the operational unit of the Commissioner for Europe of Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing, Steinbeis 2i has been a competent partner and advisor for European innovation topics at regional and European level for more than 25 years. Innovate and internationalise – two areas which form the focus of our activities. We aim to complement the work of the Commissioner for Europe in collaboration with our regions’ companies and research organisations. Steinbeis 2i offers individual and tailored advisory services and implements largescale European innovation projects.




Health Information and Management Systems Society Foundation (North America)

HIMSS is a cause-based, global enterprise producing health IT thought leadership, education, events, market research and media services around the world. Founded in 1961, HIMSS is headquartered in Chicago, serves the global health IT community with additional offices in the United States, Europe, and Asia. HIMSS FDN North America, a business unit within HIMSS, positively transforms health and healthcare through the best use of information technology in the United States and Canada. As a cause-based non-profit, HIMSS FDN North America provides thought leadership, community building, professional development, public policy, and events. HIMSS FDN North America represents 61,000 individual members, 640 corporate members, and over 450 non-profit organizations. Thousands of volunteers work with HIMSS to improve the quality, costeffectiveness, access, and value of healthcare through IT. Major initiatives within HIMSS North America include the HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition, National Health IT Week, HIMSS Innovation Center, HIMSS Interoperability Showcases™, HIMSS Health IT Value Suite, and ConCert by HIMSS™.